
Andrew E Reviews: BETSY

After surviving a vicious assault in the city, Betsy moves to the country in hopes of starting over, but as she begins to recover, something begins clawing its way into the moonlight.


Shawn Burkett


Shawn Burkett

BESTY  is an independent feature film about a girl who is viciously attacked whilst walking home one night.  Several weeks later Betsy played by Kelci C. Magel is seen living with a friend post attack who runs a local coffee shop. Betsy attends a support counseling group for survivors in an attempt to deal with the ordeal of being attacked. (Werewolf played by Erin R. Ryan).

Audiences are introduced to Sam played by Josh Miller who by chance meets Betsy at her friends coffee house and falls in love (love at first sight). We can see Betsy begin to feel a little out of the ordinary. Before realizing that she is out of control, Betsy suffers heavily with PTSD from her attack which nicely leads to some good jump scare sequences during her dreams and a near-rape on a walk home after her car breaks down which leads to Betsy first taste of blood. After experiencing the extasy of intercourse Betsy struggles to control her new impulses.

I enjoyed the movie and felt that for a low budget indie movie the creators pulled off a romantic werewolf film that delivers. The relationship between Betsy and Sam plays beautifully through the film and as Sam is slightly shy and nervous the audience can only feel affection for him and wish for his success and indeed survival. Having characters people can identify with and wish to live through their ordeal is something you don’t often have on the lower budget circuit so was a refreshing change.

If there are horror fans out there that want to experience a romantic film under the guise of a werewolf transformation with a thirst for blood this is for you. I am sure this movie will be scaring up the indie circuit gaining a nice cult following.  Maybe a good date night movie?


Minuses: The story at times can seem a little fast, from attack to love and transition.  The camera work at times can be disorienting with a lot being handheld.

Pluses: Erin R Ryan does a great job as the leading character Betsy, she is likable and believable and as an audience member I felt she pushed for the most out of every scene. Josh Miller portraying Sam is the stand out performer in the film playing a very likable character, which is kind and caring.  The film doesn’t feel too long and runs nicely.


Rating:  3/ 5  GRUEMONKEY’s

Trailer: Click Here


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