Schramm: Into the Mind of a Serial Killer, 1993
Into the Mind of a Serial Killer
The only good thing about this feature is the running time. Looks like director Jörg Buttgereit ran outta ideas for even more futile experiments or film or both.

When you run outta ideas
With dizzying camera work and sinuous visuals and zoom in/out scene transitions the film is extremely annoying, visually flawed and evidently a vanity project. That would suggest that director Buttgereit (Der Todes King, 1990; another unbearable film) has a thing for hammering nails into places where nails should not be hammered down. No, no, no, no.

Serial killer or mortician, you decide
Zero acting, awful direction, editing by a monkey on the typewriter for just a few years and the absence of even a hint at a narrative or plot makes Schramm a horrible film to sit through.
William Heirens, the real Lipstick Killer must be fucking doing somersaults in his grave if he’s not in hell already.
And this rubbish has a cult following. Nonsense. Art-house my ass.

Un Chien Andalou, 1929 seems to have grabbed the attention of every single cult director out there and then some