Raze, 2013
Fight or die!
Who doesn’t like a decent, bare-fist (and kicks and what have you) cat fight? However the fights in this brutal film do not end at KOs, you guessed it. The ladies have to fight each other till the very end. There is however some hair pulling/tearing.
The film has some very attractive women going at each other and not Dwayne Johnson and Dutch from Predator, 1987 so yes, it’s sorta like a feminist film saying bad things about feminism.

Mighty Himalayan Punch!
If you ever liked or still like the B films from the Sixties films like, Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, 1965 that exploit the then newly invented emancipation of womenfolk, you will like Raze. More films for the sake of commonality would be the superior French film, Martyrs, 2010 and 13, 2008.
Perhaps my nose will be be pretty close to the grindstone if I say the action sequences in the film (highly realistic and pretty close to Fincher‘s swing at us back in 1999); it reminded me of Tarantino‘s much disliked Grindhouse, 2007 of which the lead here, Zoë Bell is a significant part.

Gale, no more; well in another few minutes and mighty jabs and Dawson is, well… One of the most satisfying sequences from the film, for me, approval and all, dislike for the actor and all
I liked Snake Plisskin as the maniac driver with a killer of a muscle ride (Death Proof, 2007) and also the treatment of Grindhouse as whole- (Planet Terror is a favorite). Plus Zoë Bell, the lead actor in this film started her career as an actress in Death Proof. Before Tarantino offered her the role, she was a stunt double at Hollywood. She is ferocious in this film, and fights with calculated rage. Watch out for the Cody vs. Phoebe sequence, it does not have Sabrina (Bell), but watch it closely for reasons only fans (of claustrophobic combat) would appreciate.
The plot is paper thin, only a handful of dialogue make you feel (even if its something trivial), however the direction is fast and the pace quite intense. No wonder they call it a pacemaker. Bad Joke, however apt for this review. For you see, this film belongs to a quite peculiar and a risqué genre: ‘kill stranger and win freedom‘. A genre made popular by J. D. Salinger and then Kinji Fukasaku made the mother of them all in 2000.

On top
Also watch out for the cameos.
I liked it, it was entertaining; if I may.