
Hellter interviews Jason Caceres (Seven Boxes, Turnt, Boy Culture)!!

Today I am very happy to be interviewing the amazing sexy Jason Caceres. Jason will be in the upcoming horror film Seven BoxesJason Caceres is a an amazing actor and very attractive muscular toned model. Jason got his start in acting back in 2011 for a tv series called Grachi as Delfin. He’s been in numerous tv series since then such as: Magic City as Cabana Boy, Endless as Jeff Garcia, America’s Most Wanted: America Fights Back as Lucas, Awesomeness TV as Jake, Murder Book as James, Unusual Suspects as Chad, Blood Relatives as Jon, How to Survive High School as Juan, True Nightmares as Boy in the Crowd, Where The Bears Are as Gabe, Panties on a Budget as the son, Now What?! as Tyler, My Crazy EX as Aaron, Namas Dei as Ultimate Fan Boy, MasuLying as Tanner, Turnt as Innocent Sophmore, Insatiable as Twink, Kidding as Bellboy, and his most known role in Criminal Minds as Jimmy Bennett. He has done some shorts such as: The Restoration as Theo, It’s Not Always Sunny as Buisnessman, Deception as Kevin, and Billy’s Blowjobs as Paul. He also does alot of modeling, often  seen shirtless to show off his amazing toned body. Here is my interview with the great Jason Caceres!!





HELLTER: What made you wanna become a actor and model and what was your first experience on film or a tv series?

JASON: When I was in the third grade, my teacher, Ms. Valpuesta was her name, I still remember. She approached my mom and suggested acting classes because my brother and I were both very shy kids. She said it would help break us out of our shell and well, I guess it worked! From there I started performing in little skits in my Boy Scouts troupe and then went on to study Theater in College and the rest is history. I never particularly wanted to model. It’s something that just kind of happened. I don’t consider myself a model at all. I’m definitely an actor first.

My first acting experience on TV was back home in Florida. I got hired to do an episode of America’s Most Wanted, which is a re-enactment show. I played the ghost of a boy who had unfortunately committed suicide. It was exciting and nerve wracking. I had never been on set before. Everyone was really kind and welcoming so it was magnificent. I remember it fondly.





HELLTER: You been in alot of tv series and shorts. What’s been your favorite role so far in a tv series and favorite role so far in a short and why?

JASON: My favorite role so far in a TV series has to be in the upcoming show called Boy Culture. I play a character named Chayce who is free and confident. It’s a pleasant change from some of the roles I’ve been playing up until now. Usually I play shy and timid high schoolers. Which is fine, but with Chayce I got to explore a more alluring side of myself.

My favorite role in a short so far has been in the short film Emily. I played a super cocky and sort of mean bully. It is so far from what my real life personality is that I had so much fun stretching my range to include that. I would never ever bully anyone but it was interesting to play that sort of role for once.





HELLTER: You played Juan in the series How to Survive High School. What a great title. There is so much going on in High School now. Bullying is a big issue, school shootings, and still in this day and age teens in school are still getting teased about being Gay and most of them are afraid to come out. How do you feel about all those issues i just mentioned?

JASON: It breaks my heart, honestly. We like to think that we are an advanced and progressive society but the reality is that we still have so much to go. High school can be tough. Everyone is trying to fit in and stand out at the same time. There’s a lot of insecurities and that can sometimes manifest itself on ugly behavior. I would love to encourage everyone to be themselves and to be tolerant of others being themselves. And if you are being bullied, please tell an adult and don’t let it get to you. It absolutely 100% gets better.





HELLTER: Tell me what Billy’s Blowjobs is about (laughs)?

JASON: (Laughs)! Billy’s Blowjobs is a short film I was in opposite the magnificent Wilson Cruz, who is a huge LGBT icon. Wilson’s character has experienced the loss of a lover and is searching for that kind of warmth in all the wrong places. My character comes along and attempts to convince him that life goes on and that he will find someone else, who may even be better than the last, and perhaps that’s me. It’s a very “meta” philosophical kind of short. I hope everyone gets to see it one day.





HELLTER: With having done alot of stuff already, are you calm in auditions now or do you still get nervous?

JASON: It depends. The closer I am to a character the more nervous I get. If my personality is too similar to the character, for some reason I hesitate. It must have something to do with the fact that it forces me to look at some of my own faults. However, the further I am from a character the easier it is to play. I love playing roles that are completely unlike me.





HELLTER: How supportive are your family and friends of your career?

JASON: The most supportive you could ever ask for. I have the best family in the world. My parents and brother have always been there for me and love that I am pursuing my dreams. I could not ask for more.





HELLTER: What are your thoughts on social media and how it can help push your career if you put the time into it?

JASON: Social media has become this giant, unavoidable monster. It’s almost required to have a presence if you are wanting to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. We stream almost all of our content now-a-days. And the sad truth of the matter is that, the more followers you have, the more people will potentially watch a tv show you are in.





HELLTER: You are very comfortable showing skin. You are shirtless alot. You have an amazing body to show off. Some actors are weirded out or uptight about showing skin. How do you feel about that?

JASON: It’s all very dependent on the Actor. It’s not necessary to do so. I for one, wasn’t very comfortable until recently. I started eating healthier and working out and saw some amazing results. I was pretty chubby as a child and thought I would never be comfortable in my own skin. After I got in shape I thought of how difficult it was to do so and I hope to inspire others that it is possible to attain your goal weight if you put in the work. Which is why I decided to start posting more fitness photos and videos.





HELLTER: Would you ever do nude scenes for a film and or series?

JASON: Absolutely. I don’t see anything wrong with the human body. It’s terrible that we see a nude body and immediately sexualize it. Our bodies have other functions aside from that one purpose.





HELLTER: How does theater compare to shooting tv and films? I see you have done some plays.

JASON: I grew up doing Theater so the stage will always feel like home to me. There’s a freedom to being onstage that tv cannot compare to. Tv is very structured and methodical. Theater allows you to explore a bit more and develop as an artist.





HELLTER: What are your thoughts on alot of straight actors playing Gay roles? Do you think alot of them play up to the gay crowd by showing skin just to get more people to follow them?

JASON: Oh of course! But gay actors do the same. I don’t think it’s specific to one orientation group. I think, at the end of the day, an actor is an actor and should be allowed to play any role they desire. What upsets me is when audience members think gay actors can’t play straight. Which is false. If an actor hones their craft, they can pay virtually anything. We need more opportunities to do so.





HELLTER: How did you hear about Boy Culture The Series and how was the audition process like?

JASON: I heard about Boy Culture through a cast mate of a play I was in. Which is another reason why Theater is helpful to your career. You never know who you might meet. The audition process was fairly quick. I was one of the last actors to be cast in the show. I sent in an audition via email, had a callback the following week and had to be on set four days after that. So, needless to say, it was a bit of a hectic process.





HELLTER: Tell us about your character in Boy Culture?

JASON: Chayce is a complicated character. He’s fun and sassy but he’s, I think, just looking for some real human connections. Chayce is an advocate for sex workers everywhere. He’s a hustler and proud of it. It was my first kind of provocative role I’ve played and I learned a lot about myself through him.





HELLTER: Your twink role in Insatiable was so good, I loved it. What was your experience like playing a Twink? You are a twink in real life, i’m sure that helped you with the role.

JASON: I would never call myself a Twink. I don’t like those labels at all. They only help to further divide the LGBT community and we are already so divisive within ourselves. I hope we can all come together and stop labeling each other the way the rest of the world tries to ostracize and label us. 

Aside from that, it was a very fun experience. Dallas Roberts is an amazing talent and an even better person. He was incredibly nice and comforting.





HELLTER: Tell us about Turnt the series. what the series is about and your character in it?

JASON: Turnt is about a group of high school kids who are just trying to figure out their place in the world. It’s kind of like Degrassi meets One Tree Hill almost.

I play a high school Sophomore who is unsure of himself. It’s a very quirky role!





HELLTER: You will be having a cameo in an upcoming Horror film called Seven Boxes. Can you tell us about your character?

JASON: (Laughs)! I believe I’m in like ten seconds of that movie. A friend reached out from England and asked if I could shoot a quick cameo where I appear to be kidnapped. So I did and sent it over and, apparently, I made the cut. There’s not much to say aside from the fact that I’m kidnapped.





HELLTER: What drew you to this horror film that made you wanna do it?

JASON: (Laughs)! As I mentioned above, a friend just asked and I had some free time so I did it. But I have always wanted to be in a horror film. So maybe one day I’ll play more than just the kidnapped victim.





HELLTER: Do you prefer to be the victim or the killer in a horror film and why?

JASON: I would love to play the killer in a film one day. It’s a role I’ve never played before and I would love to explore the darker sides of my personality. I find characters like that intriguing because it serves as a study of human behavior. What drives someone to inflict harm on another person? What happened to them? Did anything happen? Can people be born murderers? I find it fascinating.





HELLTER: Your favorite horror film and why you like it?

JASON: I actually don’t have a favorite horror film! I am too afraid of them to watch them. It’s all my cousins fault. They forced me to watch Halloween when I was eight and I’ve never been the same! (Laughs)!





HELLTER: What are you going to be for Halloween next week?

JASON: Oh god! I don’t have a costume yet and it’s fast approaching. I do this every year! I’ll probably end up recycling one of my previous costumes. So most likely a gladiator or a Jedi.





HELLTER: Anything else you want to promote or discuss?

JASON: I am currently helping to produce a web series called “Dru-Maddox” starring Ben Baur, Matthew Ludwinski, Max Adonis, and myself. But that’s all I can say about that. 





HELLTER: Thank you for being a guest on Gruemonkey.

JASON: Thank you for having me!













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