

Andrew: Hello Dave, So let’s start things off – For those who don’t you, can you give us a movie style synopsis of your work and achievements? What first inspired you to enter into writing and directing?

DAVE (VOICE OVER): For as long as I remember I always wanted to be an actor.

Cut to: INT. MOVIE THEATER – A four-year-old Dave Campfield stares up at a movie screen in awe. Colorful lights shine down on his tie-dyed shirt and frayed bellbottoms.

DAVE (VOICE OVER) When I was four years old my Father took me to see a re-release of Star Wars. Emotions awoke in me I didn’t know existed. I wanted to be Luke Skywalker!


Dave plays with a toy lightsaber as he swings it about.

DAVE: But when I learned that Luke was an actor and not an actual Jedi, ACTING is what I wanted to do!  I wasn’t the type that played sports or hung out with other kids, I was that movie nerd who lived in a world of imagination. I became fascinated by programs like LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION hosted by Leonard Nimoy. The magic of what happened behind the camera became just as fascinating as what happened in front of it. I spend my childhood making movies on my camcorder, often with myself as the only cast member since I had few friends. All I wanted to do was make movies. When I was  21, I wrote a script I felt confident in. It got me Hollywood representation. I had meetings at Universal and New Line Cinema where there was interest. But days became months, months became years. I finally decided to go it alone and produce my debut features independently on shoestring budgets. My debut was Under Surveillance, soon to be re-released in Europe under the title SAY YOU LOVE THE DEVIL by Wild Eye Releasing. My debut film (originally released in 2008) then led to opportunities to make more microbudget features such as the Caesar & Otto films.




Andrew: Who is your secret (or maybe not so secret now) famous crush?

Dave: Always had a thing for Kate Winslet. Can ya blame me?




Andrew: Being a fan myself of the Caesar & Otto (C&O) Trilogy – how did you come up with the characters?

Dave: My buddy Paul and I were aspiring actors in school. He was a few grades ahead of me but our love of cinema lead us to become friends. We teamed up for sketch comedy and not long after created the characters of Caesar & Otto. We loved playing them so much that when the opportunity to make a comedy horror for CAMP MOTION PICTURES, I suggested Caesar & Otto as the leads. I cranked out the script in about a month and was given the green light right then.



Andrew: What’s your creative process like? – do you think of the creative story first then add comedy, how do you get it to come together…?

Dave: With the Caesar and Otto movies, it starts with character. What situation would be fun to see these guys in? What gives them the most story elements to play with? And from that starting point, stories begin to emerge. I was also keen on trying to make these spoofs tackle movies not often lampooned. Summer Camp Massacre has a lot of references to Sleepaway Camp, down to the casting of our mutual friend Felissa Rose (Angela from the original).

In general, though, it’s usual concept first. An element of a story will come to me, and I build on it from there. Creating characters and theme thereafter.




Andrew: Across C&O films you have had some amazing cast members – can you tell us about some of your incredible cast members and what it was like working with them?

Dave: When I made the original C & O feature (before we started doing the horror comedy installments) I put out an ad looking for actors. It’s where I found the wonderful Ken Macfarlane (who plays Jerry) and Scott Aguilar (who plays our Dad). I enjoyed working with them so much I wound up keeping them on board for every Caesar & Otto short and feature that followed. My friendship with Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp) led me to cast her in Summer Camp, and she went on to secure many of the horror movie icons that appeared in future installments.  Happy to report, it was a joy working with all of them. Tiffany Shepis does tend to tease, but it’s all in good fun.  Not a single argument with any of them and all possessed a passion for their craft, regardless of the budget of the given movie.

(Felissa Rose, Tiffany Shepis, Beverly Randolph, Brinke Stevens)



Andrew: Did any special guest stars surprise you?

Dave: Felissa Rose secured Vernon Wells (the Road Warrior, Weird Science, Innerspace) pretty much the night before. Having acted in so many classic Hollywood titles, I was astounded that he was willing to take part in my little indie. And without a moment to spare. I had another actor in mind but it had fallen through.




Andrew: Are there any plans to turn the C&O franchise from a trilogy into a quadrilogy?

Dave: I’d love to continue where we left off in Paranormal Halloween with Caesar & Otto’s Spring Break of the Dead, and have a story outline for it. But until we get a bigger fan base, I’m going to try to venture into other types of movies.



Caesar & Otto’s Summer Camp Massacre (2011) – Official Trailer

CAESAR & OTTO’S DEADLY XMAS – Official Trailer





Andrew: If you were to get your hands on an existing franchise which ones would you like to make a sequel too?

Dave: I love the House horror comedy movies. The ones from the 1980s. I think there’s still plenty of potential for future installments.




Andrew: What’s next for you?

Dave: AWAKEN THE REAPER. Or that’s the hope at least. I’ve been working on the script for nearly ten years now. But unless it has the proper budget I don’t want to begin shooting. Hope it comes together soon.




Andrew: Do you have any projects in the pipeline?

Dave: I’m actually considering doing a choose your own adventure with Caesar & Otto. More to come on that soon. I’m also working on some commercials, so I’m always keeping busy.




Andrew: Thanks, Dave!

Interview between Andrew E  (GRUEMONKEY) and Dave Campfield (2018).

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