
From Teen Wolf to Soldier: The Lou Ferrigno Jr Interview

Our guest on Grue today, is the the very talented Lou Ferrigno Jr. Son of the ICON Lou Ferrigno who is best known as The Hulk, Lou has been carving his own path, starring in many shows and films, including a few episodes of the hit MTV series Teen Wolf. Now he’s starring in what looks like to be an amazing film called Rush based off the video game Battlefield. He’s also a professional bodybuilder and an artist. He does it all!

Welcome the very talented Lou Ferrigno Jr.





Hellter: When did you decide to become an actor? From what I read, acting wasn’t your first choice.

Lou: Since 10 y/o I wanted to be an actor from when I worked with my father on his film Cage 2. I always loved football and was good at it, so I chose sports during school. It wasn’t until after college, jobless with a degree, that I knew there was nothing else I wanted to do bedsides acting and performing.






Hellter: I’m glad to hear you found your way into the acting world. Growing up, how did it feel having a father who is world known as iconic a figure as The Hulk?

Lou: Honestly I thought everyone’s dad was a Marvel superhero ::laughs::. I thought that it was normal for people all over the world to know who your father was. It wasn’t until I was in high school did I realize the impact that the Hulk had across the globe. Once I realized that he was revered and respected to parts unknown, my respect for him as only grown.





Hellter: Besides your father, who else helped you learn more to become a actor?

Lou: I’ve been lucky enough to work with so many wonderful teachers who have challenged me to harness my craft in the most fulfilling of ways. I’ve worked extensively with Joanne Baron and Lisa Milillo of the Baron Brown Studio, Lesly Kahn, John Ruskin as well as many brilliant comedians at UCB, and the Westside Comedy Theatre in Los Angeles, CA.





Hellter: That’s a great list of people that you worked with! When preparing for a role, what methods do you use to learn about the character?

Lou: I do as much research as I can about what my character does for a living, and also what the character spends most of his time doing while not at “work”. I develop schedules for each character, so I can get a grip on the character’s mentality. So many professions require a particular type of personality, so that paired with a specific hobby, creates a perspective that frames the way an individual processes the world. From There I create a backstory try to fill each character in as clearly as possible.





Hellter: Very interesting. What character have you enjoyed playing the most so far and why?

Lou: Konner Friel from David Decoteau’s 1313: Night of the Widow was one of the more complex of characters. This was a butler, possessing such a tender and hospitable tone, easily mistaken as creepiness.  I thought for a character that looked the way he did (I was about 220) who would be misinterpreted with every human interaction. How would that frame a person’s attitude toward others? Ya know?





Hellter: Yeah, very true. Do you prefer TV Roles or Movie roles more?

Lou: Movie roles allow you to really dig deep and get to the core of a character because an actor is allowed a bit more liberty with each take. TV roles are challenging because character arc’s and story lines are condensed, which really compels the actor to shine bright in a shorter amount of time, due to the quick TV turnaround. However, if the TV character is a serial murderer or an abusive boyfriend, it’s better to get those finished hastily. It’s never healthy to live in the mind of someone who murders pets.




Hellter: Yeah, I would never want to stay in character and live in the mind of a serial killer or a guy who murders pets. I read that you were big into art, football and pop?  Do you sing pop songs and do you do art shows and who’s your favorite football team?

Lou: I’m actually a Pop-Surreal artist. I don’t sing pop songs too well, although I wish I could lol. I’ve had art shows all around LA, and it still remains my favorite activity when I’m not working on a particular project. My favorite football teams are the USC Trojans and L.A. Rams. As an LA native, I gotta represent!




Hellter: Yeah, you always should represent your football team. Well, you can’t really go by me. I live in Philadelphia and I love the Redskins. Your really into health and fitness and bodybuilding. 
Was your dad the inspiration for you to get into the world of fitness and bodybuilding and what are some of your workout routines and diets?

Lou: As a world champion bodybuilder, my father was always a wonderful inspiration for me, motivating me to train hard and stay in great shape. He never imposed fitness on my siblings and I at a young age, so he allowed me to discover my passion on my own. Many of the roles I’ve played have required substantial physicality, so exercise is integral to my performance capabilities. My workout routines range from hiking, track/sprinting workouts, I lift strangely shaped heavy objects, leg day always.






Hellter: One of your first roles in the acting world was working with LGBT Horror Director David DeCoteau for 1313: Night of the Widow and 1313: Hercules Unbound.  How was it like working with a LGBT Horror Icon like Mr. DeCoteau and how did you find out about the films?

Lou: It was such an honor to work with David Decoteau. He is such an incredible director and friend. His vision is so clear, which allows us to shoot each project in a very efficient manner. He is true professional and leader. Working with him was such a blessing and also my first big break. The characters I portrayed (Konnor Friel and Zeus) in both 1313 films were so critical to my growth as an actor.




Hellter: Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your 1313 Characters and working with David. How was it like playing a LGBT friendly character for both 1313 films?

Lou: In  1313: Hercules Unbound  I lend only my voice to the character Zeus, there was no screen time of me as the father of Hercules. However, playing Konner Friel in 1313: Night of the Widow was such a tremendous experience, as he allowed me to dive deeper into whom was a very enigmatic and charismatic personality. Embracing that freedom definitely one of the most important moments in my early career.





Hellter: You were in 2 horror tv series, Teen Wolf and Scary Endings. Did you enjoy working on them? 

Lou: Absolutely loved every minute of each. The crews (and craft service) on both shows had a real love for the horror genre and knew how important it is to get the right shot each time. The productions on each were top notch and couldn’t have been more supportive.





Hellter: Describe your characters in both Teen Wolf and Scary Endings and what character did you enjoy playing the most out of the both series?

Lou: I was so lucky to land a recurring role on Teen Wolf as Deputy Haigh. I loved what MTV was doing with the series and wanted to work on TW desperately. I auditioned for a few other roles on TW, but Deputy Haigh turned out best. A few times onset I freaked out a little because the prosthetics were so horrifying. I tend to get way too scared way too fast. In Scary endings John Fitzpatrick hired me to play a post-transformation werewolf and it was a dream come true. Both roles really gave me some insight to the horror community and how loyal it really is.






Hellter: I’m so jealous that you got to work with that amazing crew at Teen Wolf. I love that show. Do you like horror films, if so, whats your favorite horror movie of all time?

Lou: Killer Clowns from Outer Space scared me senseless as a child, Puppet Master scared the bejeezus out of me lol. I watched the most obscure films as a child and I remember these being the most frightening. Arachnophobia, Poltergeist and Paranormal Activity also scared me into another dimension; I think I left nail marks on my buddy’s couch from squeezing too hard.





Hellter: Killer Clowns from Outer Space is the best. I love that film. Your’e in a tv series called Rush, based off the hit video game Battlefield. What character do you play in the film and were you a fan of the video game?

Lou: In Rush, I play Tim McNulty who is the Type-A, Super force recon marine badass. A far cry from yours truly, so it was a lot of fun getting into the mind of such a confident and strong minded leader. I was always a big fan of the Battlefield franchise.






Hellter: I never played the game, but I might now. For the role, did they actually put you through military training?

Lou: We did a lot of tactical training using Air-Soft rifles, which are eerily realistic, on huge paintball training courses. Niko Pueringer and Sam Gorski were our directors and they put us through hours of very rigorous physical training activities and drills. On some of the obstacle courses we used real assault rifles just to get us used to the weight of the firearm. It was so exciting and scary all the same. Truly an intense adrenaline rush!




Hellter: Damn, that’s very intense. It’s like being in a real war. What was your favorite and most emotional scene to film for Rush?
Lou: The first scene in the helicopter, when half of my platoon gets riddled with bullets took a huge emotional toll on me. In the story, our chopper was caught in the line of fire of a massive Gatling gun and without notice; half of my team had been instantly killed. It was so real and so intensely frightening I almost broke down on set, but in the end, McNulty kept it cool.




Hellter: Wow, I would have probably broke down on set. If someone approached you to play The Hulk in a movie or tv series, would you do it?

Lou: I’m still waiting for that to happen. I’ve been asked about Hulk spinoffs on a few occasions, but physically I don’t think it would make much sense in today’s visual landscape. However, I would definitely like to hear the pitch.





Hellter: That would be pretty cool. The son of the Hulk playing the Hulk. What advice would you give any young actor or future bodybuilder?

Lou: I would say to make sure to be clear on why you’re pursuing either of those professions. Wealth and fame shouldn’t be a motivator EVER. If either acting or bodybuilding makes you feel like the person you want to be, then go for it!




Hellter: Great advice. Is there any other film projects coming up that you want to talk about?

Lou: Well currently recurring on the show “Mutt & Stuff” on Nick Jr. I play Super Sammy, who is a SUPER superhero, equipped with super speed and an epic red cape! It’s another playful and fun TV show for children by Sid & Marty Krofft. A far cry from the horror genre but fun all the same. Check it out! 🙂





Hellter: I will check it out. Sounds fun! Thank you so much for this interview sir. It’s been a real honor to interview you here on Gruemonkey.

Lou: Thanks so much, it was such a pleasure!



That about wraps it up my Grue-ling’s! be sure to keep up with Lou on his social media by clicking the links below!






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