Celebrity Picks

Celebrity Picks (Michael Pavano)!!

Celebrity Picks today is Michael Pavano. Michael Pavano is a personal trainer at a gym in NJ. Michael is very outspoken about Gay rights. He is a openly Gay man and helps out the Gay community alot by spreading the word of acceptance and love. Even thought the world is more open to Men and Women coming out, there are still a few people that will hate you and stop talking to you.



Michael is helping people like that see the light with his amazing youtube videos and messages on his social media pages. His parents and family were very accepting of his coming out. Michael met Out Professional Wrestler Anthony Bowens and they had great chemistry and hit it off. Anthony even wrote a article on Outsports about coming out in the world of Professional Wrestling. Michael is a Actor, Model, Personal Trainer, LGBT Advocate, and YouTuber. Below are his Favorite Horror Films:






EVIL DEAD (1981):

 A cult classic with great camera work, perfect amount of gore, and an overall sick atmosphere.






Good actors, solid storyline, and a fast paced campy horror that any scary movie lover should enjoy.





The Poughkeepsie Tapes: 

The realistic factor illustrated in this movie is what makes it so scary. It will linger in your mind long after you watch it.





Battle Royale:

A disturbing Japanese gem that draws you in with an insane scenario that will also stick with you for awhile after you watch it.





Deliver Us From Evil:

I’m a sucker for a good exorcism movie, but found a lot of them lacking something. This movie has everything! Great acting and a very well done and perfect paced storyline.





28 Days Later: 

A zombie flick that stands out from the rest. Has an eery, depressing, and empty feeling that draws you in immensely.





The Cabin In The Woods:

Went into this knowing nothing and was very impressed walking out. Final scene with almost every nightmarish monster coming to life was awesome! 






Perfect movie to make your heart race and give you an adrenaline rush filled with fear and anxiousness.

























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