
American Exorcist out today On Demand!!

American Exorcist comes out today On Demand and on DVD and Blu-Ray on October 30th. This is a must see horror film. Very creepy and disturbing. I loved it. Written and directed by Tony Trov and Johnny Zito. Starring: Bill Moseley, Gemma McIhenny, Alexa Marie Santy, John Bolaris, Leanna Billings, Jo Anna Van Thuyne, and Falon Joslyn. 



Christmas always seems to bring bad luck to the American Building. After a century of tragic accidents and unexplainable deaths, the infamous skyscraper is reportedly haunted. Georgette Dubois (Falon Joslyn) is a professional skeptic hired by Management (Bill Moseley) to debunk those urban legends. She’s a scientist, meticulously searching for something to believe in. Her every encounter with the supernatural appears to have a rational explanation. None of that experience as a paranormal investigator prepared her to be trapped high above the city with genuinely ghoulish horrors. Instead, Georgette must reconnect with her spiritual roots if she hopes to survive.





AMERICAN EXORCIST Official Trailer – Bill Moseley, Horror Movie, HD (2018)

Coming to Video On Demand October 26th 2018.Coming to DVD and Blu-Ray October 30th 2018.Christmas always seems to bring bad luck to the American Building. After a century of tragic accidents and unexplainable deaths, the infamous skyscraper is reportedly haunted. Georgette Dubois (Falon Joslyn) is a professional skeptic hired by Management (Bill Moseley) to debunk those urban legends. She’s a scientist, meticulously searching for something to believe in. Her every encounter with the supernatural appears to have a rational explanation. None of that experience as a paranormal investigator prepared her to be trapped high above the city with genuinely ghoulish horrors. Instead, Georgette must reconnect with her spiritual roots if she hopes to

Posted by American Exorcist on Thursday, October 18, 2018


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