
Stills from new Queer Horror short called The Office is Mine!!

Making its debut at film festivals this summer is the Queer horror short The Office is Mine.

The result of a creative collaboration between filmmaker and queer horror advocate Michael Varrati (Tales of Poe, He Drinks) and celebrated actor and filmmaker Ben Baur (Hunting Season, #Adulting), The Office is Mine is a searing, satirical, and blood-soaked portrait of what happens when we allow our perceptions of our social standing dictate our self-worth. Written and directed by Varrati and based on a story concept by Baur, The Office is Mine stars Ben Baur, Chris Salvatore (the Eating Out franchise, The Quiet Room), and Navaris Darson (The Other Two, American Horror Story), with supporting cast that features Sarah Nicklin (Nun of That, The Haunting of Alice D), Phylicia Wissa (It Hits You When You Know It, Santa Clarita Diet), and Chris Baker (Baker Daily).


Despite the corporate monotony of his job, Zac Baur feels like he’s got it all figured out. As the “only gay in the office,” his penchant for hot gossip and “in the know” recommendations have assured his place as the most fabulous employee in another wise dull landscape. Or so he thinks. With the arrival of a new hire, the ultra-chic Tristan (Salvatore), Zac suddenly feels like the very thing that makes him stand out is in jeopardy. What’s more, Zac finds himself increasingly convinced that Tristan is intentionally trying to replace him. Despite the assurance of his boyfriend, Owen (Darson), that all is fine…Zac can’t help but slipping further into a world of paranoia and self-doubt. As Zac’s world begins to unravel, it sets him on a collision course with Tristan…who may or may not be all that he seems. As the two men propel toward a violent and unpredictable confrontation, only one thing is certain: The office isn’t big enough for the both of them.



Zac Baur says: “Michael and I had been trying to find a project to do together for a while,”  “and we kept coming back to stories where we used horror as a commentary about things in our lives and our community. As someone who has been in and made a number of queer films and shows, I became really interested in the ways in which gay men can be really horrible to each other, and I thought using horror was a great way to explore that idea.”




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